background App在Windows上是不會有AppIcon show在工具列上,但在MAC就完全破功,前景程式我們有設定AppIcon秀出來也就算了,但背景程式MAC竟然自己搞個Default的Icon顯示在Dock area,哎呀呀~我們不能讓user知道有這寫背景程式在跑捏,不然Dock area可是會太熱鬧的啦~~嘖嘖!知道我們的產品有多豐富了吧~嘻嘻
先來說說plist.info這個檔案吧,info.plist裡面記錄了MAC OS應該對此App property 的list
<hide Dock icon by info.plist>
1. Right click the application in Finder
2. Click "Show Package Contents"
3. Open Resources folder
4. Open Info.plist in a text editor
5. Add/Modify configuration value for LSUIElement
//It should be located in between and .
<make Qt to use our App.list>
在Qt build的過程中,它會自動產生info.plist檔案,但這個他預設的檔案是不包含LSUIElement的設定值的,我總不能每次install完後,在自己去手動加這個設定吧,這樣也太驢了吧,所以
打開App.pro file 編輯,加入 QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = App.plist
<App.plist sample code>
//line 19.20是為了hide Dock icon用的
1 < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
2 < !DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd" >
3 < plist version="0.9">
4 < dict>
5 < key>CFBundleIconFile< /key>
6 < string>@ICON@< /string>
7 < key>CFBundlePackageType< /key>
8 < string >APPL< /string>
9 < key>CFBundleGetInfoString< /key>
10 < string>Created by Qt/QMake< /string>
11 < key>CFBundleSignature< /key>
12 < string>@TYPEINFO@< /string>
13 < key>CFBundleExecutable< /key>
14 < string>@EXECUTABLE@< /string>
15 < key>CFBundleIdentifier< /key>
16 < string>com.yourcompany.@EXECUTABLE@< /string>
17 < key>NOTE< /key>
18 < string>This file was generated by Qt/QMake.< /string>
19 < key>LSUIElement< /key>
20 < true / >
21 < /dict>
22 < /plist>
<info.plist 中Key list>
資料來源:iOS Developer Library
Key Xcode name Summary LSArchitecturePriority "Architecture priority” Contains an array of strings identifying the
supported code architectures and their preferred execution priority. LSBackgroundOnly "Application is background only” Specifies whether the application runs only in the
background. (Mach-O applications only). LSEnvironment "Environment variables” Contains a list of key/value pairs, representing
environment variables and their values. LSFileQuarantineEnabled "File quarantine enabled” Specifies whether the files this application
creates are quarantined by default. LSFileQuarantineExcludedPathPatterns None Specifies directories for which files should not
be automatically quarantined. LSGetAppDiedEvents "Application should get App Died events” Specifies whether the application is notified when
a child process dies. LSMinimumSystemVersion "Minimum system version” Specifies the minimum version of Mac OS X required
for the application to run. LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture "Minimum system versions, per-architecture” Specifies the minimum version of Mac OS X required
to run a given platform architecture. LSMultipleInstancesProhibited "Application prohibits multiple instances” Specifies whether one user or multiple users can
launch an application simultaneously. LSRequiresIPhoneOS "Application requires iPhone environment” Specifies whether the application is an iOS
application. LSRequiresNativeExecution "Application requires native environment” Specifies whether the application must run
natively on Intel-based Macintosh computers, as opposed to under Rosetta
emulation. LSUIElement "Application is agent (UIElement)” Specifies whether the application is an agent
application, that is, an application that should not appear in the Dock or
Force Quit window. LSUIPresentationMode "Application UI Presentation Mode” Sets the visibility of system UI elements when the
application launches. LSVisibleInClassic "Application is visible in Classic” Specifies whether an agent application or
background-only application is visible to other applications in the Classic
environment. MinimumOSVersion "Minimum system version” Do not use. Use“LSMinimumSystemVersion” instead.